It’s no secret, testosterone is the holy grail for muscle building and male performance. That’s why bodybuilders and athletes are constantly seeking ways to increase testosterone. Some people choose to do it naturally with supplementation and others rely on androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS). Whether you’re a natural athlete or an AAS-enhanced athlete, if you want to get the best results and build hard dense muscle, you should understand a process known as aromatization.
Aromatization is the process that converts testosterone into estrogen. This is a natural process your body goes through to maintain homeostasis. The reason this process is called aromatization is because the chief enzyme involved in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen is called the aromatase enzyme. A shocking fact is 80% of the estrogen is men is derived from the aromatization of testosterone. Aromatization occurs when the body is attempting to maintain homeostasis (balance). The body naturally strives to keep a balance between your testosterone and estrogen, this is referred to your testosterone to estrogen (T:E) ratio. So, when you elevate your body’s production of testosterone or increase your testosterone levels with AAS it also triggers aromatization and the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This is not the desired effect you want as elevated estrogen can cause undesirable side effects such as increased body fat, water retention, low libido, and enlarged breast tissue, also known as gynecomastia. Many pro bodybuilders and athletic trainers are aware of how to avoid this by using aromatase inhibitors during their cycles. They know that to achieve a hard dense muscular physique, they must prevent the aromatization of testosterone to estrogen. Many bodybuilders use pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors (AIs) to reduce this conversion and alleviate unsightly and problematic issues. But now, there is a natural solution AROMATEST, bodybuilding’s most powerful natural aromatase inhibitor!
AROMATEST can help a wide array of men.
1. Natural athletes looking to enhance testosterone and improve their T:E ratio can take AROMATEST. Also, natural athletes taking testosterone boosting supplements to boost test levels should also consider taking AROMATEST to prevent the conversion to estrogen.
2. Of course, as we have covered AROMATEST can be extremely beneficial for athletes using AAS to reduce the testosterone and other anabolic androgens they are taking from converting to estrogen during cycles. It can also be helpful for PCT (post cycle therapy) to help prevent off cycle crash often seen with the rapid unfavorable shift in T:E after a cycle.
3. AROMATEST can also benefit men over 40. As men age, their testosterone begins to decline and they experience an unfavorable shift in their T: E ratio. Many physicians are using aromatase inhibitors to help increase the production of testosterone, reduce the conversion to estrogen and improve the T:E ratio. AROMATEST offers men a natural alternative.
Now, you can experience for yourself how the top pro bodybuilders are able to build rock hard muscle. The key is to block testosterone’s conversion to estrogen with AROMATEST!
Sugested Use
Take 1 Liquid Capsule daily.
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